Passionflower Vines for Northeast Florida Landscapes
I have been collecting passionflower vines for my home gardens for years, some have fizzled in and out of existence and some are tried and true garden staples that I will continue to grow as long as I possibly can. I find joy in the long awaited blooms that cover the plants in mass, joy in the loads of pollinators that busily flit from one bloom to another, joy in the fallen fruit to pop open and search for crunchy little pearls of flavor, and yes I even find joy in the bare empty vines left by hungry caterpillars. When a butterfly decides its a suitable host to lay its eggs that so quickly will turn into a hoard of hungry caterpillars and destroy every bloom, leaf and twiggy stem left on my trellis… well its their yard too, and the plants are so vigorous they recover quickly it is just part of the process. If your not a fan of the barren foliage remnants there are a few on this list that the butterflies leave alone! For me, my passionflowers are a reminder that I live in a subtropical gardening paradise and I grow them for the best reason ever…because I can.
Corky Stem Passionflower / passiflora suberosa

‘Lady Margaret’ Passion Flower / passiflora incarnata x coccinea

‘Lavender Lady’ Passionflower / Passiflora amethystina x passiflora caerulea

Scarlet passion Flower / Maple Leaf Passionflower / Red passionvine / Passiflora vittifolia
Scarlet Passionflower / Red Passionflower / Passiflora coccinea

Stinking Passion Vine / Passiflora foiteda
Sweet Sunrise Passionflower / Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa
Yellow Passion Flower / Passiflora lutea