Drought Tolerant Trees for Northeast Florida

S & J Nursery’s Guide to Selecting 

Drought Tolerant Trees

for the northeast Florida Jacksonville

| St. Augustine area Landscapes

Listing is for tolerance to drought conditions on established landscape trees only. Care must be taken for supplemental irrigation design the establishment period after planting from an S & J Nursery container. 

Watering Guides

for more information on how to water your newly planted drought tolerant trees for Northeast Florida landscapes.

Arizona Cypress in the Landscape

Arizona Cypress


Arborvitae Blue Cone

Bald Cypress tree by a ponds edge St. Augustine Florida

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Bottlebrush Red Cluster Multi trunk St. Augustine Florida

Bottlebrush Red Cluster

( Callistemon citrinus)

Bottlebrush Slim blooms up close

Bottlebrush Slim

Weeping Bottlebrush Jacksonville Florida

Bottlebrush Weeping ( Callistemon veminalis )

Brodie Cedar foliage

Brodie Cedar ( Juniperus virginiana ‘Brodie’)

Citrus trees in nursery container

Citrus Trees

Crape myrtle Acoma blooming

Crape Myrtle Acoma ( Lagerstoemia ‘Acoma’)

Crape Myrtle Black Diamond Best Red

Crape Myrtle Black Diamond Crimson Red

Crape Myrtle Black Diamond Red Hot

Crape Myrtle Black Diamond White

Burgundy Cotton rape Myrtle blooms up close St. Augustine Florida

Crape Myrtle Burgundy Cotton

( Largestroemia ‘Burgundy Cotton’)

Catawba Crepe Myrtle in a Nursery pot

Crape Myrtle Catawba

( Lagerstoemia ‘Catawba’)

Crape myrtle Dynamite

Crape Myrtle Dynamite

( Lagerstroemia ‘Dynamite’)

Muskogee lavender crape myrtle nursery crop in full bloom

Crape Myrtle Muskogee

White natchez crepe myrtle St. Augustine Florida S & J Nursery crop

Crape Myrtle Natchez


Crape Myrtle Peppermint Bicolor

( Lagestroemia )

Crape Myrtle Pink velour blooms

Crape myrtle Pink Velour

( Lagestroemia ‘Pink Velour’)

Red rocket crape myrtle blooms opening bright red St. Augustine Florida

Crape Myrtle Red Rocket

( Lagerstroemia ‘Red Rocket’)

Crape myrtle Sioux nursery crop three gallons S & J St. Augustine

Crape Myrtle Sioux

( Lagerstoemia ‘Sioux’)

Crape Myrtle Tonto

(Lagerstroemia ‘Tonto’)

Crape Myrtel Tuscarora blooms sky

Crape Myrtle Tuscarora

( Lagerstroemia ‘Tuscarora’)

Cherry lake Tuskegee Crape Myrtle Standard tree form

Crape Myrtle Tuskegee

(Lagerstoemia ‘Tuskegee’)


Crape Myrtle White Chocolate 

(Lagerstroemia ‘White Chocolate’)

Crape Myrtle Zuni

(Lagerstroemia ‘Zuni’)

Eatern Red Cedar in a three gallon nursery contianer St. Augustine Florida

Eastern Red Cedar

( Juniperus virginiana )

Drake Elm shade tree Jacksonville Florida home landscape front yard

Elm Drake

Winged Elm Branch up close showing peeling bark making wings off the side of the branches


Winged Elm

( Ulmus alata)


Golden Rain Tree pods beginning to fade

Golden Rain Tree / Chinese Flame Tree (Koelreutria bipinnata)

Juniper Hollywood Torulosa as a house foundation planting to screen out a widow from the street view

Hollywood Juniper

(Juniperus torulosa)

Italian Cypress

Loquat / Japanese Plum

(Eriobotrya japonica)

Magnolia Brackens Brown Beauty in a Nursery container

Magnolia Brackens Brown Beauty

(Magnolia grandiflora

‘Brackens Brown Beauty’)

Little Gem Mangolia landscape specimen Jacksonville Florida

Magnolia D.D. Blanchard

(Magnolia grandiflora ‘D.D. Blanchard’)

Southern magnolia bloom up close

Magnolia Southern

( Magnolia grandiflora)


Laurel oak Leaves up close in hand showing size of leaf blades

Oak, Laurel

(Quercus laurifolia)

Shumard Oak Native Tree for Northeast Florida

Oak Shumard

(Quercus shumardii)

Podocarpus Japanese Yew trees used as a privacy blocker


Red bud tree St. Augustine Florida in a commercial planting

Red Bud Eastern

(Cercis canadensis)


REed Cedar nursery crop

Red Cedar Tree

( Juniperus silicicola)

Viburnum Odoratissimum shrub as a natural unclipped hedge plant

Viburnum, Sweet

(Viburnum odoratissimum)

Wax Myrtle in a nursery container 30 gallon pot

Wax Myrtle

(Morella Cerifera)

Weeping youpon planted as a privacy screen at a public park Jacksonville Florida

Weeping Youpon

( Ilex vomitoria ‘Pendula’)

Yaupon Holly Trees

Youpon Holly

( Ilex Vomitoria)