Growing Viburnum Tinus in the Northeast Florida
Jacksonville, St. Augustine Area Landscape

Origins of Viburnum Tinus:
– Viburnum tinus is native to Mediterannean Europe and North Africa. One of my personal favorite plants in my home garden that is almost impossible to locate in most garden centers. For me, this plant has it all, It is easy care because it rows slowly so it doesn’t require allot of trimming to keep it in bounds, has few pest problems, it has textured foliage, a beautiful grey green leaf, the loveliest clusters of the palest of pink flowers in spring for the pollinators and beautiful blue berries in fall / winter to feed the birds. What more could you ask for in a plant?
Preferred Exposure for Viburnum tinus :
– Viburnum tinus can be planted into full sun situations that are irrigated bi weekly but may preform best in partial sun / partial shade locations here in the Northeast Florida, Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape. I have mine planted in morning sun with some afternoon shade, not all afternoon but late in the day the sun gets knocked off of them. At the nursery they are grown in full sun but of coarse the watering conditions are ideal and they are in excellent potting mix soil.
Foliage of the Viburnum tinus:
– Evergreen foliage is a muted grey green on the older foliage and a soft but bright green color on the new growth. My favorite part about the foliage on viburnum tinus is the almost textured look to the leaves.
Soil Preference and Salt tolerance of Viburnum tinus shrubs:
– Viburnum tinuswill grow best with moist well but drained garden soils.
– Bottlebrush are tolerant of moist soils for short periods, but avoid planting in areas that remain water logged after rains for prolonged periods.
- not particular about soil components and grow equally as well in sandy soils as they do in clay. Prefers the PH to be slightly on the alkaline side but grows well in neutral to slightly acidic soils as well.
– Viburnum tinus shrubs have a low salt tolerance and should be avoided for coastal plantings.
Size Variance of Viburnum tinus :
– Viburnum tinus shrubs can reach sizes of 6-12+ feet High | 3-4feet Wide over a very long period of time if left untrimmed. I trim annually after the berries have been eaten by the birds and have maintained them at 2-3 ft H with ease.
Space plants at a minimum of 2-3 ft from the center of one plant to the center of another for foundation plantings.
Growth Habit of Viburnum tinus:
– Viburnum tinus shrubs grow naturally into an upright oval shape and should be kept pruned that way.
Growth Rate of the Viburnum tinus:
– Slow, expect 3-6 inches annually once established
Blooms of the Viburnum tinus:
– The blooms on these plants are spectacular in late spring early summer and attract butterflies and other pollinators to the garden! They form in clusters at branch tips and are the most beautiful pale pinkish white. Blooms are followed by blue purple berries that feed the local birds and other wildlife.
Water Requirements of Viburnum tinus:
– Viburnum tinus will need supplemental irrigation, especially during times of prolonged drought. Remember to check their water needs daily after planting to get them rooted and established into the landscape quickly before allowing them to grow on their own in non irrigated spaces. Click the link below for how to properly water your newly planted Dwarf Bottlebrush shrubs.
– Watering your newly planted smaller shrubs and flowers
Butterfly or Bird Attracting:
– Attracts butterflies and other pollinators to the garden. Fruits provide a much needed food source for local birds.
Best Uses For Viburnum tinus:
– best used as the middle layer of home foundation plantings, also beautiful planted around larger accent plants and patio trees in the garden
– hardy shrub selection with little pest or disease problems, low maintenance and trimming requirements that make for an all round easy care plant with a little extra splash of color in late spring and early summer.
- Pollinator friendly plant selection – great for the butterflies and other local pollinators
Care of S & J Nursery’s North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine Viburnum tinus
– Viburnum tinus can be pruned once a year to shape or keep in desired height range.
– Viburnum tinus shrubs can be planted in the North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area at any time during the year. In normal and well draining soils dig the hole as deep as the root ball and two to three times as wide. Plant the top of the root ball level or slightly higher than the surrounding soils. Avoid planting in poorly drained soils.
– Check the plants water needs every day during the establishment period. For most 3 gallon size shrubs in the North Florida landscape in average soil, that is neither heavy clay that holds water or really sandy that will take 2-3 weeks of daily watering to ensure that your newly planted shrub will begin to put out new roots and grow into its new home happily. After the first few weeks begin tapering back your watering to every other day then every third day and so on until your newly planted items are flourishing without your assistance.
– Viburnum tinus may need supplemental irrigation during times of excessive heat or drought.
– IMPORTANT: If planting shrubs in heavy clay soils that hold allot of water after a rain or irrigating, remember to check the soil for moisture by sticking your fingers into the soil near the root ball of the newly planted shrub down to 2-3 inches. If it remains wet from the previous watering wait for the top 2-3 inches to dry out before watering again.
– IMPORTANT: When planting shrubs into poor sandy soils be sure to amend the planting hole by mixing compost or cow manure etc. with the native soil that will go back in the hole around the new plants root ball when installing your shrub material, this will not only give your new shrubs good soil to grow its new roots into but help it hold water.
– When planting shrubs from containers be sure to loosen the roots as much as possible pulling loose roots away from the root ball before installing your new plants, if the roots are to tight to easily loosen with your hands use a knife to cut a few slits into the root ball being careful to go all the way from the top to the bottom and making the cut at least an inch deep. This will ensure that your plant will immediately begin to form new roots into its new surrounding soil.
Planting your new smaller shrubs and flowering plants
– Mulch newly planted shrubs whenever possible. Shrubs will benefit from a 3-4 inch layer of arborists wood chips, Pine bark or Pine Straw.
– Fertilize each spring with a shovelful of good garden compost or slow release polycoated plant food like Osmocote or Staygreen. Be sure when fertilizing to sprinkle the fertilizer around the mulch circle underneath the foliage of the shrubs.