A Listing of
Palm Trees By Category
For Northeast Florida Jacksonville | St. Augustine
Florida area Landscapes
There are so many choices when it comes to Palms for Northeast Florida’s subtropical climate zone. There are big gorgeous specimen palm trees just about everywhere we look, right by the ocean, in the middle of the swamp areas, lining the sky as we drive down the highway , and last but not least adorning our lawns. But while they all may be beautiful excellent choices somewhere, they are not all going to be such a perfect fit where we want them to be in our specific spot with all of its unique growing environmental factors. I like to call those requirements ‘curve balls’ we never seem to see them coming at us until we fall in love with a plant when out shopping and bring it home and plant it only to realize two years later that it is NOT going to work for what we wanted it to do.
Hopefully these listings will help you navigate the choices available in our area and pick the right plant for the right place so you to can own the perfect gorgeous plant specimen, exactly where you wanted it to be!
Palms For Shaded areas of Northeast Florida
Palms for Sunny areas of Northeast Florida
Palms for Moist Soils in Northeast Florida
Palms for Dry Sandy Soils in Northeast Florida
Palms for Salt Tolerance in Northeast Florida
Palms for Container / Patio Gardens in Northeast Florida
Palms for Indoor Planting anywhere
Palms for Cold Hardiness – goof-proof Northeast Florida selections