S & J Nursery’s Guide to Growing
Sand Cord Grass ( Spartina bakeri)
in the Northeast Florida Jacksonville | St. Augustine area Landscape
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Origins:
– Florida native ornamental grass.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Preferred Exposure:
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass will prefer a full sun location in the Northeast Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Foliage:
– Thin strap like foliage is a medium green color and stands erect .
– Spartina bakeri remains evergreen in the winter season.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Soil
Preference / Salt tolerance:
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass is not particular and seems to be happy wherever it is planted in Florida. It will tolerate a wide range of soil components from heavy clay to solid sand and PH as well as endure consistently wet flood prone areas and dry soils. For this reason it is often used in roadside plantings and commercial entryways golf coarses etc.
– Spartina Bakeri has a high salt tolerance.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Variance:
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass 3-4 ft high and 2-3 ft wide but can spread
larger with time.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass growth Habit:
– Evergreen, upright, clumping habit of Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass forms an attractive dense mound of fine textured medium green colored foliage that tends to stand strongly upright.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Growth Rate:
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass is a fairly fast grower, expect them to reach their full size the first or second season after planting.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Bloom:
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass has a brown fall flower that is not very conspicuous and is planted more for its hearty evergreen foliage.
Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass Water Requirements:
– Low water needs make Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass ideal for Xeroscapes plantings as they are drought tolerant once established into the landscape.
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass will grow well in soils that remain water
logged during North Florida | Jacksonville |St. Augustine summer rain season, or along retention pond banks etc.
Butterfly or Bird Attracting:
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass is not touted as a butterfly or bird attracting plant.
Best Uses For Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass in the North Florida | Jacksonville |St. Augustine area garden:
– They are an ideal landscape plant for low maintenance, low water, low trim landscaping.
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass is an excellent native ornamental grass selection for the North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape and is commonly used in roadside, commercial and residential plantings.
– Plant in masses around a bird bath, palm, or other accent for added texture in the garden.
– Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass makes a great stand alone potted accent plant for patios and pools.
Care of Sand Cord Grass / Marsh Grass in the North Florida | Jacksonville | St.
Augustine area landscape:
– Spartina Bakeri requires little care once established in the landscape.
– Water every day during the establishment period after planting in the garden from an S & J Nursery container.
– Fertilize each spring with a handful of garden compost or a mixture of Milorganite and a slow release poly coated plant food such as Osmocote or Stay Green general purpose plant food or