Torenia Summer Pansy
/ Wishbone Flower
( Torenia fournieri Hybrids )

– Torenia Fournieri is originally from tropical Asia. One of my personal favorite flowers for beginning gardeners and low maintenance landscapes where a pop of color is needed.
– Annual planting selection is perfect for North Florida gardens. More heat tolerant and compact new cultivars like the Clown Series or Kauai Mixed Hybrids make these plants a perfect solution for easy care flowering plants that bloom from spring right into summer and fall.
– Trailing Torenia Selections are tolerant of both sun and shade conditions but tend to favor at least partially shaded locations for best results.
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower
Preferred Exposure:
– Here in the North Florida / Jacksonville / St. Augustine area it can be planted in spring for all season long blooms in sun or shaded locations.
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Foliage:
-Small bright green leaves are absolutely covered in flowers.
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Soil Preference / Salt tolerance:
– Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower should be planted into moist but well draining soils.
– Amend your planting area with compost when planting and these plants will appreciate the TLC and reward you with non stop blooms from spring through fall.
– Unknown Salt tolerance. Have it at the beach? Let us know how it did!
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Size Variance:
– Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower will grow between 6 -12 inches high and wide depending on what specific Hybrid you purchase.
– Ideal for lower growing and front of the border plantings or even mixed flowering containers. Bold color looks great when planted in masses.
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Growth Habit:
– Mounding foliage.
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Growth Rate:
– Fast growing.
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Blooms:
– Small Bell shaped blooms come in a wide array of colors.
– The species is a violet blue with a purple marking and yellow splotch.
Hybrids are available in white with purple, yellow pink or blue markings towards the top portion of each bell shaped blossom.
– Very Prolific bloomer!
Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower Water Requirements:
– Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower should be watered daily for the first week after planting and then tapered back as needed.
– Regular irrigation required especially in locations where planted in afternoon sun in well draining soils.
Butterfly or Bird Attracting:
– S & J Nursery’s Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower are not touted as butterfly and bird attracting plants for the landscape.
Best Uses For Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower in the North Florida |
Jacksonville | St. Augustine area garden:
– Easy maintenance blooming plant for the front of the flower beds and landscape borders.
– Great selection for a mixed container planting.
– Plant in masses for a blooms display that cant be missed!
– Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower makes a great companion plant for other flowering plants in the garden.
Care of Torenia Summer Pansy / Wishbone Flower in the North Florida |Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape:
– Water every day during the establishment period after planting in the garden from a nursery container, once plants have established themselves into the landscape, you can begin to taper watering back but plants will most often need water 3-4 times per week in well draining soils.
– Fertilize each spring, summer and fall with a handful of garden compost or a mixture of Milorganite and a slow release poly coated plant food such as Osmocote or Stay Green general purpose plant food or 10-10-10.