Gaillardia Arizona Sun
Perennial Blanket Flower
( Gaillardia Aristata ‘ Arizona Sun’ )
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Origins:

– Gaillardia Aristata is a perennial parent to the Gauillardia grandiflora that is so common in todays garden centers. gaillardias are native to South and Midwest United States including Florida!
– The Southern Living Garden
Book said ” They Thrive on Neglect, so put away the watering can and fertilizer. They love heat have no serious pests, and are not fussy about soil ( although they must have good drainage ) “ And if that weren’t good enough to get you to give these pretty plants a try, just take a look at those blooms. With so many new hybrids showing up every day there’s a Gaillardia for every garden. Never will you get so much in return for so little effort the with Gaillardia in your garden.
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun is my absolute new favorite, i love the big bold
blooms on such a compact tidy little plant. Plant in groups of 3 or more and you can see them from down the block! Really showy plants perfect for Florida’s hot summers and sandy soils.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Preferred Exposure:
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun will prefer a full sun location in the North Florida |
Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscapes.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Foliage:
– Compact foliage is light, bright green and heavily cut.
– Arizona sun is a short lived Perennial in the North Florida area garden and is best planted as an annual.
– Don’t trim off flowers at the end of summer, let the plant go to seed so you
can have more ” Volunteers” in the garden the following season.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Soil Preference / Salt tolerance:
– While not particular of soil components, Gaillardia Arizona Sun will need good drainage and will thrive in any well drained soil.
– Salt tolerance unknown
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Size Variance:
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun will grow only 8-10 inches high and 10-12 inches wide.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Growth Habit:
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun is a clump forming perennial plant selection.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Growth Rate:
– Fast growing plant establishes itself quickly into the North Florida |
Jacksonville | St. Augustine landscape.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Bloom:
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun has big bold beautiful blooms that just cover the plants foliage during late spring and summer, blooms are a bright yellow and soft peachy orange, resembling an Arizona Sunset giving the plant its name. Flowers have a flat open daisy – like appearance.
Gaillardia Arizona Sun Water Requirements:
– Low water, drought tolerant once established into the landscape.
Butterfly or Bird Attracting:
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun will attract butterflies, and bees to your garden when in bloom!
Best Uses For Gaillardia Arizona Sun in the North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area garden:
– Gaillardia Arizona Sun is an excellent low growing short lived Perennial for Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape.
– Plant in masses as a flowering groundcover.
– Excellent front of the border planting for an instant eye appeal.
– Butterfly, bee attracting and deer resistant!
– Perfect no maintenance flower for busy gardeners.
Care of Gaillardia Arizona Sun in the North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine
area landscape:
– Plant may be dug and divided every 2 years to make additional plants to locate in
other areas of the garden.
– Water every day during the establishment period after planting in the garden from
a nursery container.
– Fertilize each spring with a handful of garden compost or a mixture of Milorganite
and a slow release poly coated plant food such as Osmocote or Stay Green general purpose plant food or