S & J Nursery’s Guide to Growing
Daylily Miss June
for the Northeast Florida Landscape
( Hemerocallis ‘Miss June’ )
Daylily Miss June Preferred Exposure: 
– Daylily Miss June will tolerate full sun to light shade ( morning shade and afternoon sun ) in our
North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area gardens.
Daylily Miss June Foliage:
– Evergreen foliage remains green during the winter months
here in the Northeast Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area garden.
Daylily Miss June Soil Preference / Salt tolerance:
– Daylily Miss June will prefer dry, well drained soils with high organic matter content so remember to add some compost or manure to the planting hole when you first install your daylily and a handful or so of compost each year will keep daylily’s foliage and blooms looking great
Daylily Miss June Size Variance:
– The foliage on the Daylily Miss June will reach 12-13″ inches high
and 12 inches wide with the flower stalks rising to just above the foliage.
Daylily Miss June Growth Habit:
– Evergreen, clumping grass like perennial forms an attractive mound of foliage.
Daylily Miss June Growth Rate:
– Moderate to fast growing Daylily cultivar.
Daylily Miss June Bloom:
– Big beautiful 4-5 inch blooms on compact plants! Miss June daylilies are a
bright buttery yellow and bloom heavily.
– Early to mid season bloomer
Daylily Miss June Water Requirements:
– Drought tolerant once established in the landscape, regular water is necessary to get the plant rooted and growing on its own after being planted in the ground from a nursery container.
Butterfly or Bird Attracting:
– Daylily Miss June blooms will attract hummingbirds and butterfly’s to your garden to feed on the nectar produced by the flowers.
Best Uses For Daylily Miss June:
– I love to see these Daylilies in masses of 7 or more plants, they are unbelievably beautiful when in bloom and a great garden filler when not.
– One of my favorite daylily selections, Daylily Miss June makes an excellent
companion plant to other perennial flowering plants because it compliments everything!!!
– Try Daylily Miss June in a decorative pot on a porch or patio for a low
maintenance pop of color during the summer months near a patio or pool area where they can be enjoyed.
Care of Daylily Miss June:
– Water every day during the establishment period after planting in the garden from a nursery container.
-They will need good water during the establishment period and supplemental irrigation during dry spells or particularly hot dry summers.
– Prune out old foliage each spring or as needed any time of the year.
– Fertilize each spring with a handful of garden compost or a mixture of Milorganite and a slow release poly coated plant food such as Osmocote or Stay Green general purpose plant food or