Coleus Varieties For Northeast Florida Landscapes
Coleus are the perfect fit for Northeast Florida semi shaded garden areas. They can quickly fill any garden with big and bold color and texture, accent a flowering pot for a home entryway, decorate a mailbox, or create an easy care pool side container garden that you will never tire of looking at! Coleus plants come in all sorts of shapes, colors and sizes. With all of the color and beautiful texture they offer on a fuss free, deer resistant plant, they are hard not to fall in love with.
Coleus selections come and go quickly and tend to be available seasonally for summer and fall plantings . Some may be available each year for only a few short weeks only to disappear and reappear again available for purchase the next year. FRUSTRATINGLY sometimes my old favorites disappear never to be seen again! THANKFULLY new varieties pop up each season that I have never seen or heard of to try. Its almost impossible to keep up with. Below is a listing of Coleus selections that have been available to us through the years with notes when I realize I am no longer able to find the named selections after a year or two. To keep up with what’s new each season follow us on our Facebook page where I post new plant selections and varieties coming in each week or keep checking back in the blog section of the website. Newly available get posted there as well.
Coleus Variety ‘Alabama Sunset’
One of my favorite coleus varieties from the very first time I moved them off the full sun tables to a shadier spot in the Nursery, ( photo shown in mostly shade with a few hours of sun) it was like they changed into a whole different cultivar, the colors brightened and the leaves just looked amazing. Alabama Sunset’s colors are soft but intense. This coleus may take the sun without wilting, burning or much fuss but the color is much more intense if it’s planted in a bit of shade. The brick red color is edged with bright yellow as well as having the new growth emerge yellow with just the slightest hint of brick red in the leaf veining. These beautiful leafy plants reach about 2 ft in height so they just fall into the middle height category for Coleus varieties.
Coleus Variety ‘Beckswith’s Gem’ Heirloom
An absolutely stunning coleus variety with large, brightly colored deep rose colored foliage mottled with a rich burgundy purple and edged in a show stopping bright yellow gold color. The bright gold edge is lightly scalloped adding a touch of texture to the leaf typical of coleus varieties. Beckswith’s Gem coleus plants will grow to 16-24 inches in height and will maintain a mostly upright growth habit. Tolerant of sun but may
have best color with a little bit of shade in Northeast Florida gardens.
(Stinky) Coleus Variety ‘Canine Green’
( We no longer grow and sell this coleus selection, the following is for informational purposes only)
Coleus “Canine Green’ is grown and cultivated for its stinky foliage that is said to repel both dogs and cats from the garden. This one is new to me and I have never tried it myself but definitely going to give it a try in my vegetable beds this year! ( I have a big happy cat family and two dogs! ) Reports I have read seem to say that it works if you plant plenty of them around the gardens. (Or pinch and stick cuttings in new places to root to make new plants) Canine Green coleus will grow to 16 inches and makes a spreading mound when full grown. Bright green foliage is rounded and smells slightly of skunk when brushed or crushed! Tolerates sun or shade.
Coleus Variety ‘Chaotic Rose’
One of Cindy’s favorites, Coleus chaotic rose is the perfect addition to add some bright foliage color and fine texture to your mixed container gardens. A sun loving variety with small, narrow, brightly colored, rose pink leaves edged with darker rose to maroon and finally edged in green. The dark rose and green colored edges highlight the light scalloped edges of these intensely colored coleus plants. Chaotic Rose Coleus will grow 12-15
inches in height and has a rounded, mounding habit. Plant in a sunny or shaded spot in Northeast Florida landscapes.
Coleus Variety ‘Creamy Pineapple’
( We no longer grow and sell this coleus selection, the following is for informational purposes only)
This coleus variety is new to us here at S & J Nursery this year. It is touted to tolerated sun or shade and hold it’s color well. The large leaves are mottled with green and a lovely creamy yellow color turning almost creamy white as the leaf matures. The leaf veins are bright purple adding
interest to these delicately colored plants. Coleus Creamy Pineapple will grow quickly from 12-18 inches in height and 15-18 inches wide.
Coleus Variety ‘Dark Star’
Deep dark purple almost black foliage that holds it’s color through the summer months. Dark Star
Coleus has large almost rounded leaves that are heavily textured. Plants grow to a height of 12-24 inches high and
12-16 inches wide. Fast growing selection is the perfect compliment to brightly colored flowering perennials and
really sets off variegated foliage when planted close by. Pinch off blooms as they appear for best overall
appearance. Coleus Dark Star is said to grow in full sun or shade.
Heirloom Coleus Variety ‘Defiance’
A well loved and long time favorite of the Coleus plant family with bright red foliage
heavily edged with a bright lemon yellow. These Coleus grab your attention and draw the eye wherever they
are planted. They are classified with the medium height growing coleus and quickly grow to 12-18 inches
high and wide. Plant Coleus Defiance in partially shaded areas.
Coleus Variety ‘Dipt in Wine’
One of my favorite coleus plants with big bold foliage with leaf colors changing from
bright yellow to a dark rosy pink then to a deep red wine color and finally to top it all off the edges have a thin line of lime green that follows the contour of the leaf edge accenting the light scalloped edges.
Leaf veins are bright hot pink in color. Very pretty plant will grow to 20-36 inches tall and only 12-16 inches wide, Dipt in Wine has a very upright growth habit.
Best color in Northeast Florida in a partial shade location.
Coleus Variety ‘Electric Lime’
Beautiful variegated leaves with yellow streaked through the veining of the leaf giving it an unusual coloration that is just stunning up close and a bright enough from afar to lighten shady garden areas. 16-20 inch height by 16-24 inches wide these coleus branch out wide so give them some room to spread when planting.
Coleus Variety ‘Finger Paint’
Another new variety of coleus here at S & J Nursery, Coleus finger paint boasts vibrant foliage with shades of yellow, lime green, deep rose, and red wine colors all splashed over the leaves in irregular patterns giving these pretty plants their name of “Finger Paint. ” I’m not sure about you
but my finger paintings never did look this pretty! Plant in partial shade locations. Finger Paint coleus can reach 20 inches in height and has an upright habit. pinch growing tips every few months to encourage branching.
Coleus Variety ‘Flamingo’
New to S & J Nursery’s coleus varieties, Flamingo boasts beautiful and brightly colored rose pink foliage with a hot pink center, a wide purple edge and just a hint of a hot pink line accenting the scalloped edges of the leaf. ( photo shown of plant in heavy shade, the hot pink center needs a bit more sun to show nicely) If that wasn’t good enough to make you want to give this pretty coleus variety a try, consider this, it’s garden benefit isn’t just in its pretty colored leaves. Flamingo rarely blooms, so it reduces need to pinch out the flowering shoots! Anything that gives you less maintenance is a good thing in my book so we are giving Flamingo Coleus a try! Flamingo Coleus grows to 15-18 inches tall and 18-24 inches wide so give them plenty of room to branch out and go!
Coleus Variety ‘Flame thrower Salsa Verde’
A newer introduction these smaller well behaved coleus are full of color and texture, the heavily cut leaf is narrow and bright chartreuse when given a bit of sunlight and the plants grow to 16-18 inches high and wide. The flame Thrower series is slow to bloom giving you a long season of foliage without having to pinch out the blooms as quickly.
Coleus Variety ‘Hot Lava ‘
Edged with a hot pink to red brim with a soft ruffle to the edge of the leaf giving it a bit of added texture in the garden. Very pretty and strong growing Coleus selection that gets 18 inches in height and tends to be strongly upright in growth habit making it great for poolside container plantings and patio or entryway areas where it can be used in mixed container plantings.
Coleus Variety ‘Hurricane Jenny’
Hurricane Jenny is an unusual looking coleus plant. I’m excited to have found it available for growing this year! A new selection of coleus here at S & J Nursery with an intriguing leaf pattern. The leaf is a circular swirl with a lime green center and hints of a beautiful coppery red or dusty pink to burgundy colored foliage that is thinly edged with a bright yellow green to accent the cut leaf edges. Plants are compact only growing 12 inches high and wide. Plant in sun or partial shade and partial sun.
Coleus Variety ‘Kong’
One of the largest leaf Coleus I have ever run across, the Kong coleus is a short stocky plant that is well behaved with big bold texture and lots of color to the foliage. I have no idea why this cultivar is so hard to find, I rarely have a grower offer this selection but am always happy to run into them when I do!
Coleus Variety ‘Oxblood’
Another longtime favorite coleus, Oxblood has rich red foliage delicately outlined with bright yellow gold. Mounding habit coleus plant grows to 18-24 inches in height and 24-36 inches wide. Plant in partial shade for the deepest coloration in Northeast Florida.
Coleus Variety ‘ Meandering Linda’
( We no longer grow and sell this coleus selection, the following is for informational purposes only)
A first time coleus selecting here at S and J Nursery, Meandering Linda intrigued me at first glance, the prettily colored foliage is so small and delicate in comparison with other Coleus varieties that we have grown that
I could not help but give it a try. Meandering Linda coleus is a trailing selection that will grow up to 18 inches in height.
Coleus Variety ‘Pistachio Nightmare’
( We no longer grow and sell this coleus selection, the following is for informational purposes only)
A brightly colored coleus plant with exotic colors reminiscent of tropical fruits! A hot pink center surrounded by white, then edged with a wide band of bright green with a deep burgundy flecks throughout the leaf. An instant tropical effect that brings a little bit of paradise home in every pot.
Coleus Variety ‘Rustic Orange’
Pretty orange coleus perfect for your “Gator Garden’ or fall decorating! Rustic Orange Coleus is a beautiful light reddish orange with a golden serrated edge. It’s like a ray of sunshine for your garden! Plants
will grow from 18 to 24 inches in height and width so be sure to give them room to spread out. Pinch out flower stalks as they arise for best appearance. Plant in part to full shade in Northeast Florida landscapes for best color.
Coleus Variety ‘Solar Shade’
A beautiful lime to yellow green coleus to brighten up your shady garden site. Foliage is heavily
veined with classic serrated edges typical of the coleus plant family. Solar Shade grows from 12-16 inches and is
the perfect ground cover when planted in masses. Very showy even at a distance.
Coleus Variety ‘Solar Sunrise’
Solar sunrise coleus is strikingly beautiful and will draw the eye wherever it is planted. Lime
green in the center melds gradually to a deep dark purple edge. Great color contrast for the garden. Solar Sunrise will grow to 12-16 inches high, a well behaved coleus selection for mass plantings or container gardening.
Coleus Variety ‘Wild Lime’ 
One of my all time favorite Coleus varieties because, well its stunning and it plays well with others in mixed pots. Some times Coleus grows SO WELL that it can take over a garden area crowding out its neighbors and stealing the show. This Coleus has a strong upright habit and tends to play nicely with its neighboring plants giving them a bit of room to show off as well. The leaves are a bright lemony yellow edged in rich green. The edge stands erect giving the coleus a ruffled appearance, very pretty foliage plant for containers. Wild Lime is a medium growing coleus variety and can grow up to 16-22 inches in height. Upright growth habit is perfect for mixing amongst other flowering plants in the garden without worrying that it will over
crowd it’s neighbor.