Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’
(Agapanthus Africanus ‘Storm Cloud’)
Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’ / Lily of the Nile Origins:
There are several species of Agapanthus available on the market today and because Lily of the Nile plants hybridize so readily, there are many, many varieties and cultivars available within those species. Agapanthus species are native to South Africa.
– Hard to find Storm Cloud is a new selection here at S & J Nursery of
Agapanthus Africanus, a favorite species for the North Florida landscape, and is grown for its deep blue bloom color.
Agapanthus Africanus ‘ Storm Cloud’ / Lily of the Nile Preferred Exposure:
– Full sun to partial shade in the North Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape. Agapanthus does well in full sun as long as it is planted into an irrigated landscape. If your garden is extremely sandy and dry consider planting it in a location that will receive some relief from North Florida’s
hot sun. They can be planted in filtered light under taller trees or in areas that receive partial sun and partial shade, but use caution as too much shade can lead to reduced flowering.
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Foliage:
– Thick green strap like foliage of the Agapanthus Africanus remains evergreen during the winter in our North Florida area gardens.
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Soil Preference / Salt
– Agapanthus Africanus / Lily of the Nile is tolerant of a wide range of soil
components and growing conditions. Although quite drought tolerant once established in the landscape be sure supplemental irrigation is available particularly when planted into a full sun location in well draining or
sandy soils.
– Agapanthus will tolerate wet soils for prolonged periods and can be planted into poorly draining garden sites in our North Florida landscapes.
– Moderately salt tolerant.
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Size Variance:
– Sightly larger than traditional Agapanthus Africanus the Storm Cloud
Agapanthus foliage will reach 2 ft high and wide with the flower stalks rising high above the foliage at up to 5 ft high.
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Growth Habit:
– Evergreen, clumping grass like perennial forms an attractive mound of foliage.
– Plants will need dug and divided every 5 or 6 years for best flowering.
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Growth Rate:
– Fast growing Agapanthus selection.
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Bloom:
– Storm Cloud Agapanthus was selected and propagated for its deep blue bloom color. Huge blooms are up to 6 inches across and consist of masses of small trumpet shaped blossoms that form a rounded half ball shape and are held high above the foliage on a flowering stalk.
– Summer blooming plant is very showy and adds a dramatic pop of color to any landscape setting when in bloom.
– When doing a fact check for this page on agapanthus I came across an older gardening book that listed Agapanthus blooms as cutting garden material with a note to dip the stems in boiling water for 15 seconds before placing them into your water vase for display. I havens tried it yet but I cant wait for them to bloom so I can give it a try, I’ll let you know if it works!
Agapanthus Africanus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile Water Requirements:
– Although drought tolerant once established in the landscape, regular water is necessary to get the plant rooted and growing on its own after being planted in the ground from a nursery container. Use supplemental irrigation when planted in full sun or in extremely sandy soil.
Butterfly or Bird Attracting:
– Agapanthus Africanus / Lily of the Nile blooms will attract hummingbirds and butterfly’s to your garden to feed on the nectar produced by the flowers.
Best Uses For Storm Cloud Agapanthus / Lily of the Nile:
– Agapanthus is a great easy care low maintenance addition to just about any landscape. Agapanthus blend perfectly into traditional formal landscapes and make a perfect last layer when stepping plants down for foundation planting around a home or office. They also are right at home in the middle of a perennial bed and blend beautifully into any Cottage or English garden setting.
– Lily of the Nile make an excellent potted plant accent for the front of a home entryway or patio.
– Excellent pool side planting, in ground or container.
– Perfect in masses under larger trees or landscape specimen plant you want to draw attention to.
– Plant Agapanthus along entryway or garden paths for a gorgeous edging whether in bloom or not, just the foliage itself adds a lush feel to the gardens landscape
– Although touted to be among th best perennial selections for deer resistance, any
agapanthus grower in the Julington Creek Plantation are of South Jacksonville may beg to differ, with the land being so quickly developed into subdivisions replacing that have replaced the heavily forested area with suburban lawns and landscapes in St. Johns county, the deer there seem to have taken quite a liking to them, particularly during the winter months so…who knows, maybe deer resistant but not deer proof!
Care of Agapanthus Storm Cloud / Lily of the Nile:
– Water every day during the establishment period after planting in the garden from a nursery container.
-They will need good water during the establishment period and supplemental irrigation during dry spells or particularly hot dry summers, particularly when planted into sandy soils.
– As with all perennial plantings, amending the soil with compost when planting your agapanthus plants will help keep them healthy and happy through the years.
– Fertilize each spring with a handful of garden compost or a mixture of Milorganite or Green Edge Fertilizer and a slow release poly coated plant food such as Osmocote or Stay Green general purpose
plant food or 10-10-10.