Note: This is a listing of flowering plants available when in season throughout the year. Call #904-522-1786 to check current availability as many flowering items are available only when in season and not ready to sell all year round.

Agapanthus africanus Lily of the Nile

Agapanthus Blue Heaven Lily of the Nile

Agapanthus Elaine Lily of the Nile

Agapanthus Ellamae Lilly of the Nile

Agapanthus Getty White

Agapanthus Peter Pan Lily of the Nile
( no longer in production )

Agapanthus Storm Cloud Lily of the Nile
( no longer in production )

Agapanthus White Heaven Lily of the Nile
( no longer in production )

Ajuga Bronze Leaf

Ajuga Caitlins Giant Bugelweed
Ajuga Chocolate Chip Bugleweed


Angelonia Angel Mist Serena Series

Bacopa Annual Blue

Bacopa Annual White

Bacopa Water Hyssop Fl Native ( Bacopa monnieri )

Bat Face Heather ( Cuphea llaeva)

Bee Balm ( Monarda didyma )

Bee Balm Spotted / Dotted Horsemint / ( Monarda punctuata )

Bee Balm Monarda Punctuata ‘Bee Bop’

Begonia Annual Selections

Begonia Dragon Wing
warm season annual or perennial , most of the time lasts into the next season when planted into frost free areas of the landscape

Begonia Angel Wing Selections
warm season annual or perennial , most of the time lasts into the next season when planted into frost free areas of the landscape
Begonia ‘Whopper’ Series

Begonia ‘Bada Bloom‘ Series
warm season annual , sometimes lasts into the next season

Bleeding Heart Vine
Hardy Perennial expect them to last for a few seasons in the landscape

Blue Daze Heirloom Plant Selection
Hardy Perennial expect them to last for a few seasons in the landscape

Blue Daze ‘ Blue My Mind ‘
Hardy Perennial expect them to last for a few seasons in the landscape
Blue Daze ‘ Hawaiian Blue Eyes’
Hardy Perennial expect them to last for a few seasons in the landscape

Bolivian Sunset
Hardy Perennial plant in frost free areas of the landscape

Brazilian Plume Flower ( Justicia carnea )
Hardy Perennial plant in frost free areas of the landscape

Hardy Perennial needs dug and divided every few years

Hardy Perennial needs dug and divided every few years

Bush Daisy
Hardy Perennial lasts a few seasons in the landsape
Buttercup ( Turnera )

Butterfly Bush ( Buddleia )
Hardy perennial, lasts a few seasons in the landscape, well drained soils are key, does well in containers

( No longer in production )

Candy Corn Plant ( Cuphea micropetela )
hardy perennial plant in frost free areas of the landcsape

Canna Lily
hardy perennial may need cut to the ground or divided to maintain appearance annually

Cats Whiskers
half hardy perennial, plant in frost free areas of the landscape

Celosia Assorted
Warm season annual, may reseed in the landscape

Cigar Plant ( Cuphea ignea )
warm season hardy perennial cold sensitive, plant in frost free areas of the landscape

Cleome a.k.a. Spider Flower
warm season annual may reseed in the landscape

warm season annual

Coreopsis Route 66
Coreopsis Uptick Gold
Coreopsis Uptick Yellow and Red

herbaceous hardy perennial, may reseed in the landcscape

half hardy perennial, expect to use as a spring annual, longer life span in container plantings and afternoon shade

Daylily Main Page with Variety Listings
( All daylily production has been suspended for now)
evergreen or semi evergreen or herbaceous hardy perennial depending on variety

Daisy, Marguerite
half hardy perennial, expect to use as a spring annual, longer life span in container plantings and afternoon shade

Dianthus Cool season Annual
may last more than one season in the landscape, trim foliage and seedheads down in summertime, may regrow from seedlings in the landscape
Dianthus First Love
half hardy perennial / most often planted as an annual may come back the following year from seedlings
Dianthus Firewitch
half hardy perennial / most often planted as an annual may come back the following year from seedlings

half hardy perennial / most often planted as an annual may come back the following year from seedlings

Echinacea Purple Cone Flower
annual may come back the following year from seedlings

Flowering Maple (Abutilion )
annual may come back the following year from seedlings
Gaillardia aristata / Blanket Flower
annual may come back the following year from seedlings

Gaillardia grandiflora Arizona Sun Series / Blanket Flower
annual may come back the following year from seedlings

Gaillardia Mesa yellow ( Gaillardia grandiflora)
annual may come back the following year from seedlings

annual may come back the following year from seedlings

annual may come back the following year from seedlings
Gaillardia pulchella / Blanket Flower annual

Perennial short lived 1- 2 seasons, may regrow from seedlings

Perennial short lived 1- 2 seasons, may regrow from seedlings

Gaura Rosey Jane
Perennial short lived 1- 2 seasons, may regrow from seedlings

Perennial short lived 1- 2 seasons, may regrow from seedlings

Gaura Whirling Butterflies White
Perennial short lived 1- 2 seasons, may regrow from seedlings

Gazania Daisy
summer annual or perennial in warmer climate zones 9b-11

most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season depending on winter conditions these in this picture lasted 5 years before I got tired of the same thing and took them out

Gerber Daisy ( half hardy perennial most often planted as an annual,
better life span in container plantings

Impatien Annual Assorted
most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season from seedlings

most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season depending on winter conditions

Impatien Sunpatien
most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season depending on winter conditions

Iris , Aporstle Iris Giant Waqking Iris ‘Regina‘
Hardy perennial, frost sensitive

Hardy Perennial, needs divided every other year

Hardy perennial long lived

Perennial no longer in production

(perennial, no longer in production)

Mexican Petunia Myan Series pink, white and purple
( hardy perennial Sterile cultivar developed by UF does NOT reseed )
Pansy ( cool Season Annual)

Pentas Beebright Series (shortest one grows 6-8 inches )
most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season depending on winter conditions

Penta “Butterfly” Series (2ft )
most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season depending on winter conditions

Pentas Graffiti Series Mix Colors (12″ x12″
most often grown as an annual but may come back the following season depending on winter conditions)

Penta Heirloom Ruby Glow (perennial tall selection grows 4-6 ft high)

Pentas Heirloom Jessica Hot pink ( perennial tall selection grows 3-4 ft )

Pentas Heirloom Starburst ( perennial tall selection grows 3-4 ft high )

Perennial Peanut
Deciduous ( winter dormant) hardy perennial long lasting

Philippine Violet ( winter sensitive perennial )

Annual Phlox drummondii
cool season plant selection

Phlox paniculata perennial, plant in afternoon shade in well drained soils

Petunia annual / perennial selections
cool season annual / perennial

Persian Shield

Persicaria Red Dragon
Hardy Perennial and one of my absolute favorite plants

Porterweed Coral

Porterweed Red

Porterweed Blue

Porterweed Purple


Purple Queen Setcresea
hardy perennial plant in frost free areas of the landscape, will regrow quickly if damaged

most often planted as a warm season annual, may last into the next season depending on winter and planting location, can reseed

Ruellia Florida Native Wild Petunia / Ruellia caroliniensis

Ruellia Trailing Purple / Ruellia Squarosa

Ruellia Trailing red / Ruellia elegans

Salvia Amigo

Salvia Amistad

Salvia Big Blue

Salvia Bog Sage Florida native
Salvia Golden Pineapple Sage

Salvia Indigo Spires
Salvia Lyre Leaf sage Florida Native

Salvia May Night

Salvia Scarlet Sage Florida native

Salvia Vista / Annual salvia

Vinca / Periwinkle , annual flower