
S & J Nursery’s Flowering Plants for Northeast Florida | Jacksonville | St. Augustine area Gardens

There is just something about a flower, isn’t there?

Whether you choose a striking display of annuals or a slightly less showy addition of perennial flowering plants, the objective will be the same…GET SOME COLOR IN THAT LANDSCAPE! And of coarse, nothing does color better than flowers, not that there inst something to be said for foliage color and form, but there is just something about a flower…isn’t there? So plant to your hearts content, then remember to stop and smell the roses, at least sit and stare at the petunias, it will do your heart good.

Flowers of a Different Shape and Size

There are many flowering plants that will grow and thrive in our area landscape. from the littlest ground-cover to the tallest of trees who’s flowers adorn our yards and add interest to any landscape effortlessly. Not only do flowers come in a million shapes and sizes there are flowering plants for almost every application you could think of, from the dry salty dunes on the North Florida coast to a floating backyard pond accent, you can find a flower for just about any landscape application.

They may be hardy almost bulletproof shrubs that will survive with almost no intervention on our part or hardy perennials that can be planted and expected to grow for seasons to come. Some may be tender annuals that need lots of loving care and will bloom continuously after planting for a season and then will need replaced each year.

We all know we fell in love with flowers, but where do they fit into the gardens landscape?

Everywhere!!! You know you love that answer!

They may be hardy, almost bulletproof shrubs that will survive with almost no intervention on our part, or hardy perennials that can be planted and expected to grow for seasons to come. Some may be tender annuals that need lots of loving care and will bloom continuously after planting for a season and then will need replaced each year.

Like all plants, knowing the right place for the right flower is key to success in the north Florida |Jacksonville | St. Augustine area landscape.

I have attempted to categorize the flowering plants here for you with my own experiences in the North Florida |Jacksonville | St. Augustine landscape. Quite frankly I find it difficult, like categorizing people, but I’ll give it a try and I hope that it helps.

S & J Nursery Flowering Groundcovers and Bedding Plants

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Angelonia Serena

Angelonia Serena

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Coreopsis Mouse Ear

Coreopsis Golden Sphere

Gaillardia Arizona Sun

Ginger Kaempferia Silver Spot

Ginger Kaempferia Bronze Peacock

Impatiens New Guinea Hybrid

Mona Lavender

Pentas Graffiti Mixed Hybrids

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Strata

Salvia Victoria Blue

Society Garlic

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

 Stokesia Klaus Jelitto

Stokesia White Surprise

Stokesia Laevis Blue

Stokesia Purple Parasols

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

Torenia Summer Pansy

S & J Nursery Flowers from Grass like Plants for Northeast Florida Landscapes

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow


Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Iris Regina

Mexican Petunia Purple Showers

Mexican Petunia Myan Purple and Myan White

Muhly Grass

Red Fountain Grass

S & J Nursery Flowering Trees

for Northeast Florida Landscapes


Bottlebrush Weeping

Bottlebrush Red Cluster

Bottlebrush Slim


Catawba Crepe Myrtle


Golden Rain Tree

Golden Trumpet Tree

Japanese /Saucer Magnolia

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry



Muskogee Crepe Myrtle

Natchez Crepe Myrtle 

Peach and Nectarine


Pink Trumpet Tree

Pink Velour Crepe Myrtle



Rainbow Powder puff

Red powderpuff


Red Rocket Crepe Myrtle

Tonto Crepe Myrtle 

Vitex Chaste Tree

Yoshino Flowering Cherry

S & J Nursery Flowering Annuals

* Perennials well suited for growing as annuals in the North Florida gardens landscape





Dusty Miller



* Salvia Coccinea Coral Nymph

Salvia splendens

Angelonia Serena Perennial can be planted as an annual)

*Gazania African Daisy


* Geraniums

Impatiens New Guinea Hybrid


*Mona Lavender

New Guinea Impatien


Pentas Graffiti Mixed Hybrids

*Pentas Butterfly Mixed hybrids




Torenia Summer Pansy




S & J Nursery Hardy Flowering Perennials

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Angelonia Serena

Black Eyed Susan

Blue Daze Beach Bum Blue

Blue Daze Blue My Mind

Blue Daze Hawaiian Blue Eyes

Blue Daze Heirloom

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Butterfly Ginger


Dotted Horse Mint

California Bush Daisy

Coreopsis Mouse Ear

Coreopsis Golden Sphere



Gaura Belleza Dark Pink

Gaura Pink Fountain

Gaura Rosey Jane

Gaura Siskiyou Pink

Ginger curcuma hidden ginger

Ginger Curcuma variegated

Gingery Variegated Dr Moy

Ginger Variegated Shell

Ginger Kaempferia Silver Spot

Ginger Kaempferia Bronze Peacock


Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Jacobinia / Brazilian Plume Flower /

Lantanna trailing

Lantana upright

Lady of the Night Brunfelsia

Mexican Petunia

Monarda Bee bop

Mexican Petunia Myan Purple and Myan White

New Zealand Tea Tree

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom

Pentas Heirloom Ruby

Pentas Heirloom Jessica

Pentas Heirloom Starburst 

 Rudbeckia Hirta Tiger Eye Gold

Rudbeckia Indian Summer

Rudbeckia Goldstrum

Rudbeckia cherry Brandy

Salvia Amigo

Salvia Amistad

Salvia Big Blue

Salvia Black and Blue

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Strata

Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Mexican Bush Sage

Salvia Mystic Spires

Salvia Pineapple Sage Red

Salvia Wendy’s Wish

Shrimp Plant Fruit Cocktail

Shrimp Plant  Giant Yellow

Shrimp Plant Orange

Shrimp Plant Red

Society Garlic

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

 Stokesia Klaus Jelitto 

Stokesia White Surprise

Stokesia Laevis Blue

Stokesia Purple Parasols

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

Texas Sage

S & J Nursery Shrubs that Flower for Northeast Florida Landscapes

Anise Red

Anise Florida Yellow


Banana Shrub

Cestrum, Pink

Cestrum Red Newelii

Cestrum Yellow

Hibiscus Butterball Double Yellow


Hibiscus Celia Double Red


Hibiscus Cranberry

Hibiscus Confederate Rose

Hibiscus Fort Meyers Yellow


Hibiscus Jane Cowl Double Peach

Hibiscus Kenaf

Hibiscus October Rose


Hibiscus Painted Lady


Hibiscus President Red


Hibiscus Red Hot

Hibiscus Roselle Jamaican Strain

Hibiscus Roselle Thai Red

Hibiscus Roselle White

Hibiscus Seminole Pink


Hibiscus Snow Queen Variegated

Hibiscus Swamp Pink

Hibiscus Swamp Red Coccinea

Hibiscus Swamp White Coccinea


Hibiscus White Wings

Indian Hawthorne

Ixora Maui Red

Ixora maui Yellow

Ixora Pink


Lady of the Night Brunfelsia Americana



New Zealand Tea Tree

Night Blooming Jasmine

Oleander Dwarf Pink Ice / Petite Pink

Oleander Dwarf Salmon


Pineapple Guava



Sunset Muskmallow

Tea Olive

Texas Sage

Tibouchina Dwarf

Tibouchina Var. Olivia



Yesterday Today and Tomorrow 

S & J Nursery Flowers that are Made for the Shade

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Cestrum, Pink

Ginger Butterfly White

Ginger Butterfly Pink V

Ginger Disney

Ginger Kaempferia Silver Spot

Ginger Kaempferia Bronze Peaccock

Ginger Shampoo

Ginger Variegated Shell

Impatiens New Guinea Hybrid

Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Jacobinia / Brazillian Plume Flower /
Flamingo Flower

Lady of the Night Brunfelsia

Mona Lavender

Night Blooming

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom


Salvia Black and Blue

Shrimp Plant Justicia Brandegeana

Shrimp Plant Ornage / Red

Plant Red

S & J Nursery Flowers perfect for Partial Sun/ Shade locations

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Angelonia Serena

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Butterfly Ginger

Cestrum, Pink

Dianthus Amazon Neon Duo

Impatiens New Guinea Hybrid

Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Jacobinia / Brazillian Plume Flower / Flamingo Flower

Mona Lavender

Mexican Petunia Purple Showers 

Mexican Petunia Myan Purple and
Myan White

Night Blooming Jasmine

Pentas Butterfly Mix
Pentas Heirloom Ruby

Pentas Heirloom Jessica

Pentas Heirloom Starburst 

Pentas Graffiti Mixed Hybrids


Salvia Black and Blue

Salvia Mystic Spires

Salvia Strata

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Wendy’s Wish

Shrimp Plant Justicia Brandegeana Fruit Cocktail

Shrimp Plant Giant Yellow

Shrimp Plant Orange / Red

Shrimp Plant Red

Society Garlic

Torenia Summer Pansy

S & J Nursery Flowering Plants Perfect for Full Sun Areas of the Landscape

Angelonia Serena

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Coreopsis Mouse Ear

Coreopsis Sundancer

Dianthus Amazon Neon Duo

Dwarf Hamlin Fountain Grass

Gaillardia Arizona Sun

Gaura Belleza Dark Pink

Gaura Walgaupf Pink Fountain

Gaura Siskiyou Pink

Hibiscus Butterball Double


Celia Double Red


Fort Meyers Yellow


Hibiscus Jane
Cowl Double Peach


Painted Lady


President Red


HIbiscus Red


Seminole Pink


Hibiscus Snow
Queen Variegated


HIbiscus White

Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Mexican Petunia

Mexican Petunia Myan Purple and
Myan White


New Zealand Tea Tree

Night Blooming

Red Fountain Grass

Pentas Butterfly Mixed

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom

Pentas Graffiti Mixed Hybrids


Rudbeckia Hirta Tiger Eye

Salvia Black and Blue

Salvia Mystic Spires

Salvia Strata

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Mexican Bush Sage

Shrimp Plant Orange / Red

Plant Red

Society Garlic

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Klaus Jelitto

Stokesia White Surprise 

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Laevis

Stokesia Purple

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

Texas Sage

Torennia Summer Pansy

White Fountain Grass

S & J Nursery Flowers for well drained sandy soils and dryer Landscapes

Angelonia Serena

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Cestrum, Pink

Coreopsis Sundancer

Gaillardia Arizona Sun

Gaura Belleza Dark Pink

Gaura  Pink Fountain

Gaura Siskiyou Pink

Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Lady of the Night Brunfelsia Americana

Mexican Petunia

Mexican Petunia Myan Purple and Myan White

New Zealand Tea Tree

Night Blooming

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom


Rudbeckia Hirta Tiger Eye

Salvia Coccinea Coral Nymph

Salvia Mexican Bush Sage

Shrimp Plant Orange Red

Shrimp Plant Red

Society Garlic

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Klaus Jelitto

Stokesia White Surprise 

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Laevis

Stokesia Purple Parasols

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

Texas Sage

Flowers for poorly drained and moist soils

in the Northeast Florida Landscape

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Butterfly Ginger

Ginger Kaempferia Silver Spot

Ginger Kaempferia Bronze Peaccock

Iris African White

Iris African Yellow

Jacobinia / Brazillian Plume

Flower / Flamingo Flower

Mexican Petunia

Mexican Petunia Myan Purple and

Myan White

Society Garlic

Flowers for Butterflies or Hummingbirds

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Coreopsis Mouse Ear

Coreopsis Golden Sphere 


Dianthus Amazon Neon Duo

Gaillardia Arizona Sun

Gaura Belleza Dark Pink

Gaura Pink Fountain

Gaura Siskiyou Pink

Hibiscus Butterball Double Yellow


Hibiscus Celia Double Red


Hibiscus Fort Meyers Yellow


Hibiscus Jane Cowl


Hibiscus Painted Lady


HIbiscus President Red


Hibiscus Red Hot 


Hibiscus Seminole Pink


Hibiscus Snow Queen Variegated


Hibiscus White Wings

Night Blooming Jasmine

Pentas Butterfly Mixed

Pentas Graffiti Mixed Hybrids

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom Ruby Glow

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom Jessica

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom Starburst


Rudbeckia Hirta Tiger Eye Gold

Salvia Black and Blue

Salvia Coccinea Coral Nymph

Salvia Mexican Bush Sage

Salvia Mystic Spires

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Strata

Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Pineapple Sage Red

Salvia Wendy’s Wish

Shrimp Plant Justicia Brandegeana Fruit Cocktail

Shrimp Plant Giant Golden

Shrimp Plant Orange / Red 

Shrimp Plant Red

 Stokesia Klaus Jelitto

Stokesia White Surprise

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Laevis Blue

Stokesia Purple Parasols

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

Texas Sage

Verbena Florida Native

 Flowers for a Cutting Garden in the Northeast Florida landscapes

Agapanthus Africanus

Agapanthus Blue Heaven

Agapanthus White Heaven

Agapanthus Peter Pan 

Agapanthus Storm Cloud

Dianthus Amazon Neon Duo

Ginger Variegated Shell

Ginger Pinstripe

Ginger Curcuma

Jacobinia / Brazillian Plume
Flower / Flamingo Flower

Shrimp Plant Orange / Red

Plant Red

Pentas Butterfly Mixed

Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom

Red Fountain Grass

Rudbeckia Hirta Tiger Eye

Salvia Mexican Bush Sage

Salvia Mystic Spires

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Strata

Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Wendy’s Wish

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Klaus Jelitto

Stokesia White Surprise

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Laevis

Stokesia Purple

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

White Fountain Grass

S & J Nursery’s Deer Resistant Flower Selections for Northeast Florida

Angelonia Serena

Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Coreopsis Mouse Ear

Coreopsis Sundancer

Gaillardia Arizona Sun


New Zealand Tea Tree

Night Blooming

Salvia Black and Blue

Salvia Coccinea Coral Nymph

Salvia Mexican Bush Sage

Salvia Mystic Spires

Salvia Strata

Salvia Rhea Violet

Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Pineapple Sage Red

Salvia Wendy’s Wish

Shrimp Plant Fruit Cocktail

Shrimp Plant Orange / Red

Plant Red

Society Garlic

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Klaus Jelitto

Stokesia White Surprise

Stokesia Good-N-Purple

Stokesia Laevis

Stokesia Purple

Stokesia Mary Gregory Yellow

Tibouchina Olivia

Texas Sage

Flowers for a Fragrant Garden

in Northeast Florida Landscapes


Angelonia Serena


Butterfly Ginger

Crinum Lily

Dianthus Amazon Neon Duo



Lady of the Night Brunfelsia

Jasmine Sambac Single / Double blooming

Jasmine Sambac ‘Grand Duke of Tuscany’

Jasmine Sambac ‘Belle of India’

Jasmine Star


Night Blooming Jasmine

Lily Stargazer

Lily Casa Blanca


Rose Belinda’s Dream

Rose Drift Sweet

Rose Louise Philippe


Tea Olive

Flowers for Coastal Gardens

in the Northeast Florida Landscape

Bottlebrush Buckhorn Scarlet

Bottlebrush Dwarf Macarthur

Bottlebrush Dwarf Red Flame

Bottlebrush Red Cluster

Bottlebrush Slim


Bulbine Frutescens Orange

Bulbine Frutescens Yellow

Carissa Dwarf Natal Plum

Crown of Thorns

Datura – Devils Trumpet


Dune Sunflower


Firebush Dwarf

Firecracker Plant


Golden Dew Drop

Gold Mound

Honeysuckle Lonicera

Honeysuckle, Cape

Indian Hawthorne



Jasmine, Confederate



Loriope Aztec

Loriope Evergreen Giant


Mexican Heather

Night Blooming Jasmine


Oyster Plant

Pampas Grass


Pineapple Guava



Purple Queen



Shrimp Plant Orange / Red

Shrimp Plant Red

Tababuia – Golden Trumpet Tree

Texas Sage

Turks Cap



Vitex, Arabian trifolia


Florida Native Flowers

for Northeast Florida Landscapes

Florida Native Bacopa

Florida Native Coreopsis

Florida Native Gaillardia

Florida Native Goldenrod 

Florida Native Goldenrod seaside

Florida Native False Strawberry

Florida Native Mint

Florida Native Milkweed Swamp White

Florida Native  Milkweed Swamp Pink

Florida Native  Milkweed Orange

Florida Native  Milkweed Whorled

Florida Native Petunia

Florida Native Twin flower

Florida Native Spanish Needles

Florida Native Swamp Hibiscus White

Florida Native Swamp Hibiscus Red

Florida Native Swamp Hibiscus Pink

Florida Native Swamp Sunflower

Florida Native Turkey Tangle Frogfruit

Florida Native Silphium Native Star’

Florida Native Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy

Florida Native Stokesia Laevis Blue

Florida Native Rudbeckia hirta

 Florida Native Rudbeckia

Florida Native Rudbeckia trilobata

Florida Native Verbena