Florida Native Plant List

Florida Native Flowers

Beach Verbena / Glandularia maritima

Rudbeckia Fulgida Black eyed susan yellwo coneflower orange coneflower in nursery pot

Black Eyed Susan / Yellow coneflower/ Orange coneflower/Rudbeckia fulgida

Florida native dune sunflower growing at the beach

Dune Sunflower

Elderberry blooms in St. Augustine Florida landscape

Elderberry / Sambucas canadensis

Lyre Leaf Sage

White Swamp Milkweed / Asclepias perennis

Milkweed White Swamp / Asclepias perennis

Pink Swamp Milkweed Florida native flower against the sky

Milkweed Pink Swamp Asclepias incarnata

Florida native narrow Leaf Sunflower

Narrow Leaf Sunflower

Florida Native Oakleaf Hydrangea

Oakleaf Hydrangea

Florida Native Pink Swamp Hibiscus

Pink Swamp Hibiscus / Hibiscus grandiflorus

Senna ligustrina privet cassia blooms and foliage

Privet Cassia / Senna ligustrina

Florida Native Scarlet Hibiscus coccineus

Scarlet Hibiscus / Hibiscus coccineus

Salvia Coccinea Forida native red blooms

Scarlet Sage / Salvia coccinea

Silphium asteriscus Starry Rosinweed

Starry Rosinweed / Silphium asteriscus

Dotted horsemint Spotted Bee balm Monarda punctuata blooms

Spotted Beebalm ./ Dotted Horsemint / Monarda punctuata



native ruellia wold petunia

Wild petunia / Ruellia caroliniensis

Florida Native Groundcovers and Vines

Carolina Jessamine / Yellow Jessamine / Gelsemium sempervirens

Carolina Ponysfoot / Dichondra carolinensis

Corky Stem Passionflower / Passiflora suberosa

cross vine flowers and foliage on a trellis

Crossvine / Bignonia capriolata

Dollarweed / Hydrocotyle umbellata

Florida native dune sunflower growing at the beach

Dune Sunflower / Helianthus debilis

Pennywort / Dollarweed /

Hydrocotle umbellatum

railroad vine on the dune at the beach in NE Florida

Railroad Vine / Ipomea pescapre

Turkey tangle Frog Fruit phyla nodiflora blooming

Turkey Tangle Frog Fruit / Phyla nodiflora

St Augustine Grass

Saint Augustine Grass / Stenotaphrum secundatum

Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop

Smooth Water Hyssop / Bacopa monnieri

Florida native st johns mint in 4 inch nursery pots

St. Johns Mint / Clinopodium brownei

Stinking passionflower / passiflora foetida fruit

Stinking Passion Flower / Passiflora foetida

Stokes aster stokesia laevis

Stokes Aster / Stokesia laevis

Sunshine mimosa strigillosa Florida native plant flowering

Sunshine Mimosa / Mimosa strigillosa

Trumpet Creeper / Campsis radicans

Violet Florida Native blooming in spring

Violet, Common Blue / Viola sororia

Wild Strawberry / Fragaria virginiana

Yellow Passionflower / Passiflora lutea

Florida Native Ornamental Grasses

Salt Marsh Cord Grass / Spartina alterniflora

St Augustine Grass

Florida Native Shrubs

Florida native Beauty berry foliage and fruits

Beauty Berry / Callicarpa americana

Florida native darrows  Blueberry

Darrows Blueberry /Vaccinium darrowii

Dwarf Coffee

Dwarf Coffee / Psychotria nervosa

Firebush Florida native blooming

Firebush / Hamelia patens

Galberry / Inkberry flowering and foliage

Galberry / Inkberry / Ilex glabra

Lipstick Plant

Florida Native Oakleaf Hydrangea

Oakleaf Hydrangea / Hydrangea quercifolia

Sea Grape

Sea Grape


Walters Viburnum

Wax Myrtle

Yaupon Holly

Florida Native Palms

Blue Stem Palmetto in a nursery pot

Blue Stem Palmetto

Everglades palm

Needle Palm

Pindo Palm

Silver Saw Palmetto

Florida Native Trees

Bay, Laurel

Bay, Red

Bay, Swamp

Bay Sweet

Chickasaw Plum

Cypress Bald

Cypress pond

Cedar Southern Red


Fringe Tree


Maple Red

Maple Silver

Maple Florida

Oak Live

Oak Laurel

Oak Shummard


Pine Loblolly

Pine Longleaf


River Birch



Tulip Poplar

Winged Elm

Youpon Holly

Weeping Youpon Holly