Black Swallowtail Butterflies in Northeast Florida
All you have to do is be willing to share

Black swallowtails are one of my personal homes most common species because I love planting so many things they can use as larval host plants. In the wilder areas of our NE Florida they utilize native plants like Queen Annes Lace ( wild carrot ) and Mock Bishops weed (Ptillinum capillaceum) but n our landscaped spaces and home gardens they often utilize plants such as parsley, dill, celery, carrots and fennel to lay their hungry little eggs on. And since I plant those anyway all you have to do is be willing to share and you can have these beauties skipping about your pollinator plants all summer long and well into fall! What a tradeoff! If you are like me and you want those herbs and veggies too, just plant a few extra and move any of the babies over to those plants that you keep for them and let them munch away!