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Tree Farm & Nursery
7280 State Road 13 N 32092 * 904-522-1786
Friday, March 28, 2025
About Us
Retail Nursery
Wholesale Plants
Asclepias curassavica
Asclepias incarnata
Asclepias perennis
Asclepias tuberosa
Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Double Blue Butterfly Pea Vine
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
Palamedes Swallowtail
Pesticides on Butterfly Plants
Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly
White Peacock Butterfly
Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies in Northeast Florida
Edible Landscaping
A. Links to S & J Food Plants Info Pages
Fruit and Food Forest Trees and Shrubs for Northeast Florida Gardens
Avocado Harvest Schedule
Brogden Avocado
Choquette Avocado Tree
Fantastic Avocado Tree
Hall Avocado Tree
Joey Avocado
Lila / Opal Avocado Tree
Marcus Pumpkin Avocado Tree
Nishikawa Avocado Tree
Oro Negro Avocado
Winter Mexican Avocado
Banana Plants
Banana Blue Java / Ice Cream
Banana Double Mahoi
Banana Grand Nain
Banana Rajapuri
Citrus Trees
Keylime/ Mexican lime
Persian Lime / Tahiti Lime | Bearss Lime
Pummelo Pink
Citrus Lemon Trees
Sanbokan / Sambo Lemon
Variegated Pink Lemon
Lemon Trees, Meyer
Lemon Trees, Ponderosa
Lemon Trees, Eureka
Orange, Valencia
Oranges, Navel
Mandarin Oranges, Tangerine
mandarin, Satsuma
Fig Trees
Types of fig trees
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Celeste
Fig, Ischia
Fig, LSU Purple
Care of the Common Fig
Pruning and Growth Habit
Water and Fertilizer for Figs
Growing Tips / Challenges For Fig
Peach and Nectarine
Nectarine, Sunhome
Peach, Floridacrest
Peach, Floridaking
Peach, Floridaprince
Peach, Tropic Beauty
Peach, Tropic Snow
Growing Your Own Fruit and Vegetable Harvest for Northeast Florida Landscapes
S & J Nursery’s Guide to Composting in Northeast Florida Gardens
Vegetable Planting Calender
Herbs For Northeast Florida
African Blue Basil
Crimson King Basil
Dwarf Purple Basil
Greek Columnar Basil
Lemon Basil
Lettuce Leaf Basil
Lime Basil
Garlic Chive
Chives, Garlic
Cilantro / Coriander
Lavender FernLeaf
Lemon Balm
Lemon Grass
Lemon Verbena
Apple Mint
Ginger Mint
Mojito Mint
Native Spotted HorseMint
Orange Mint
Pineapple Mint
St Johns mint / Brownes Savory
Golden Oregano
Greek Oregano
Greek Oregano Hot and Spicy
Italian Oregano
Oregano Dittany of Crete
Parsley Flat Leaf
Hardy Hill Rosemary
Rosemary Hardy Hill
Rosemary Tuscan Blue
Berggarten Sage
English Thyme
Golden Variegated Lemon Thyme
Silver Thyme
Leafy Vegetables and Fruiting Plants
Broccoli Varieties
Asian Green Varieties
Mustard Green
Mustard Green Varieties
Timing is Everything
Determinate VS. Indeterminate
Tips and Tricks
Tomato Trials
Tomato Better Boy
Tomato Brandywine
Tomato Celebrity
Tomato Juliet
Tomato Park’s Whopper
Tomato Patio
Tomato Prudens Purple
Tomato Roma
Tomato San Marzano
Tomato Stupice
Tomato Sweet 100
Collard Greens
Pepper Plants
Pepper California Wonder
Pepper Cayenne
Pepper Ghost
Pepper Jalapeno
Pepper Datil
Pepper Banana
Cucumber Varieties
Eggplant Varieties
Cantaloupe, Honeydew and Muskmelon
Squash Summer
Squash, Summer Varieties
Squash, Winter
Squash, Winter Varieties
Peas, Southern
Southern Pea Varieties
Specialty Edibles
Cranberry Hibiscus
Hibiscus Sunset Manihot
Okinawa Spinach
Egyptian Walking Onion
Florida Cranberry / Roselle
Longevity Spinach
Sherbet Berry
Florida Native Plants
Florida Native Drought Tolerant Plants
Florida Native Plant List
Florida Natives for Moist to Wet Soils
A Listing With Links to all of Seasonal Flowering Annual / Perennial and Specialty Plant Selections
Agapanthus Africanus
Agapanthus Blue Heaven
Agapanthus Elaine
Agapanthus Ellamae
Agapanthus Peter Pan
Agapanthus Storm Cloud
Agapanthus White Heaven
Ajuga Catlins Giant
Angelonia Serena
Bacopa Monnieri
Bulbine Frutescens Orange Bicolor
Bulbine Yellow
Clerodendrum “Musical Notes”
Coleus Varieties
Coreopsis Golden Sphere
Coreopsis Mouse Ear
Daylily Joylene Nichole
Daylily, Always Afternoon
Daylily, Aztec Gold
Daylily, Butterscotch Ruffles
Daylily, Clara
Daylily, Double Talk
Daylily, Galadriel
Daylily, Heirloom Hyperion
Daylily, Heirloom Kwanso
Daylily, Holy Spirit
Daylily, Joan Senior
Daylily, Little Business
Daylily, Little Gypsy Vagabond
Daylily, Mac the Knife
Daylily, Ming Toy
Daylily, Miss June
Daylily, Pandora’s Box
Daylily, Siloam Double Classic
Daylily, Yangtze
Dianthus Amazon Neon Duo
Florida Native Hibiscus Coccineus
Florida Native Spiderwort
Florida Native Tampa Verbena
Gaillardia for Florida
Gaillardia Arizona Sun
Gaura Belleza Dark Pink
Gaura Pink Fountain
Gaura Siskiyou Pink
Hawaiian Sunset Vine
Impatiens, Hybrid New Guinea
Iris “Wow Factor”
Iris, African White
Iris, African Yellow
Iris, Giant Apostle ‘Regina’
Iris, Rocky Hunt
Iris, Walking
Mexican Petunia
Mexican Petunia Myan Series
Mona Lavender
New Zealand Tea Tree
Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Beebright Pentas
Pentas Butterfly Series Mixed Hybrids
Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom ‘Jessica’
Pentas Graffiti Mixed Hybrids
Pentas Old Fashion Heirloom
Heirloom Pentas Starburst
Pentas Heirloom Ruby
Rudbeckia trilobata
Rudbeckia, Tiger Eye
Salvia Black and Blue
Salvia Coral Nymph
Salvia Mexican Bush Sage
Salvia Mystic Spires
Salvia Pineapple Sage
Salvia Rhea Violet
Salvia Strata
Salvia Victoria Blue
Salvia Wendy’s Wish
Shrimp Plant Fruit Cocktail
Society Garlic
Stokesia / Stokes Aster
Stokesia ‘Mary Gregory’
Stokesia Good-N-Purple
Stokesia Klaus Jelitto
Stokesia laevis Blue
Stokesia Purple Parasols
Stokesia White Surprise
Texas Sage
Torenia Summer Pansy
Yellow Celosia
Aztec Grass
Bamboo Muhly Grass
Dwarf Hameln Fountain Grass
Evergreen Giant
Florida Native Blue Eyed Grass
Fountain Grass
Mondo Grass / Monkey Grass
Mondo Grass Dwarf
Muhly Grass
Red Fountain Grass
Sand Cord Grass
Variegated Flax Lily
yellow firecracker grass
Installation Guides
Installation Checklist
Installing Larger Plants
Installing Smaller Plants
Things to Consider Before Planting
Landscaping in NE Florida
A Quick Look at Basic Landscape Design Principles
A Quick Look at Elements of Art in Landscape Design
Color, Elements of Art in the Landscape
Form, Elements of Art in the Landscape
Line, as a Design Element
Texture, Elements of Art in the Landscape
Landscaping Projects Northeast Florida
Design and Installation of Pool and Patio Landscapes
Drainage Improvements
Home Foundation Landscapes
Large Palm and Tree Installations
Privacy Screens and Living Fence Projects
Retaining Walls
Walkways Driveways and Paths
Simple Design Layout Images
My First Look at the Magic of Landscape Architecture
A Listing of Palm Trees by Category
Container or Patio Pot Palms
Goof Proof Cold Hardy Palms
Palms for Dry Sandy Soils
Palms for Hot Sunny Areas
Palms for Indoor Planting
Palms for Moist Soils
Palms for Shaded Areas
Salt Tolerant Palms
Bamboo Reed Palm
Canary Island Date Palm
Cardboard Palm
Cat Palm
Chinese Fan Palm
Coontie Palm
European Fan Palm
Hardy Bamboo Palm
Lady Palm
Needle Palm
Pindo Palm
Pygmy Date Palm
Queen Palm
Ribbon Palm
Sabal Palm
Saw Palmetto
Sylvestris Silver Date Palm
Privacy Screens / Living Fences
A Listing of Northeast Florida Roses by Category
Floribunda Roses
Groundcover Roses
Hardy Shrub Roses
Old Garden / Heirloom Roses
Belindas Dream
Butterfly Mutabilis
Caldwell Pink Rose Pink Pet
Drift Rose Apricot
Drift Rose Coral
Drift Rose Double Pink Sweet
Drift Rose Peach
Drift Rose Pink
Drift Rose Popcorn Yellow
Drift Rose Red
Knockout Rose Double Pink / Rosa Radtkopink
Knockout Rose Double Red / Rosa Radtko
Knockout Rose Sunny Yellow / Rosa Radsunny
Knockout Rose White Out / Rosa Radwhite
Knockout Single Pink / Rosa Radcon
Knockout Single Red / Rosa Red Radrazz
La Sevilliana
Louis Phillipe Rose Heirloom
The Fairy
A Listing of Northeast Florida Shrubs Alphabetically
A Listing of Shrubs By Category
Dry or Sandy Soil Shrubs
Flowering Shrub Options and Alternatives
Foliage Color Shrubs
Fragrant Shrubs
Full Sun Shrubs
Hardy Flowering Shrubs
Larger Shrubs
Low Growing Shrubs
Moderate Sized Shrubs
Moist/ Wet Garden Shrubs
Native Shrubs
Privacy Screen / Living Fences
Salt Tolerant Shrubs
Shady Area Shrubs
Smaller Shrubs
A quick Look at Shrubs in the Landscape
Abelias for Northeast Florida
Abelia Glossy
Abelia Rose Creek
Abelia Sunshine Daydream
Almond Bush
Anise Florida Sunshine
Anise Forest Green
Anise, Florida Red
Anise, Yellow
Azalea Conversation Piece
Azalea White Mrs. G. G. Gerbing
Azalea, Duc De Rohan
Azalea, Duchess Of Cypress
Azalea, Fashion
Azalea, Formosa Lavender
Azalea, Formosa Red
Azalea, George Tabor
Azalea, Red Ruffle
Azalea, Southern Charm
Beauty Berry
Bottlebrush Dwarf Little John / Better John
Bottlebrush Dwarf Macarthur
Bottlebrush Slim
Carissa Dwarf Natal Plum
Gallberry / Inkberry
Gardenia August Beauty
Gardenia Frostproof
Holly, Carissa
Holly, Dwarf Burfordii
Holly, Schilling’s Dwarf
Indian Hawthorne
Juniper Blue Pacific
Juniper Blue Point
Juniper Blue Rug
Juniper Blue Vase
Juniper Gold Lace
Juniper Parsonii
Ligustrum Sunshine
Ligustrum, Jack Frost
Ligustrum, Japonicum
Ligustrum, Recurve
Ligustrum, Variegated Howardii
Loropetalum in the North Florida Landscape
Loropetalum Burgundy / Sizzling Pink
Loropetalum Crimson Fire
Loropetalum Dwarf Ever Red
Loropetalum Dwarf Purple Diamond
Loropetalum Jazz Hands
Loropetalum Plum Delight / Pizzazz
Loropetalum Purple Pixie
Loropetalum Red Chocolate
Loropetalum Ruby
Loropetalum ZhuZhou
Nandina in the Northeast Florida Landscape
Nandina Dwarf Flirt
Nandina Dwarf Lemon Lime
Nandina Firepower
Nandina Gulf Stream
Nandina Obsession
Nandina Pink Blush
Pineapple Guava
Pittosporum, Green
Pittosporum, Variegated
Pittosporum, Wheeler’s Dwarf
Podocarpus / Japanese Yew
Podocarpus, Dwarf Pringles
Simpson Stopper
Tacoma Stans
Tea Olive
Viburnum Awabuki
Viburnum Copper Top
Viburnum Sugar Cookie
Viburnum Tinus
Viburnum Walter’s Whorled Class
Viburnum Walters
Viburnum Walters Mrs. Schillers Dwarf
Viburnum, Suspensum
Viburnum, Sweet
Yesterday Today and Tomorow
Sod Installation of your fresh new lawn is as Easy as 1-2-3.
Choosing Sod
Choosing the Right Grass, for the Right Place
Sod Texture and Color Choice
Centipede Sod
Zoysia Grass Sod
Bahia Grass Sod
Varieties Bahia Grass
Bermuda Sod
Varieties Bermuda Grass
St Augustine Sod
Varieties of St. Augustine Grass
Watering Sod
Preparing The Area to Sod
Measuring the Area for Replacement
Laying New Sod
Lawn Care & Problem Solving
Reducing Chemical Control
Bugs in North Florida Lawns
Milkweed Assassin Bug
Checking For Bugs
Bermuda Grass Mites
Southern Chinch Bugs
Fall Army Worms
Grass Loopers
Mole Crickets
Ground Pearls
Sod Webworm
Spittle Bugs
White Grubs
Fungus & Disease + Other Problems
Agave Americana
Agave americana ‘Marginata’
Agave angustifolia ‘Marginata’
Agave Blue Glow
Agave celsii ‘Nova’
Agave desmetiana ‘ Variegata’
Aloe arborescens
Aloe maculata / saponaria
Aloe Vera
Cactus Spineless Prickly Pear
Sedum Angelina
A Guide to Northeast Florida Trees by Category
Drought Tolerant Trees for Northeast Florida
Evergreen Trees for Privacy Screens
Fall Foliage Color
Flower Color Trees
Living Christmas Trees
Medium to Large Shade Trees
Native Trees For Northeast Florida
Salt Tolerant Trees
Small to Medium Size Trees
Wet Soil Trees
Wildlife Attracting
A listing of Northeast Florida Trees Alphabetically
Arborvitae Blue Cone
Bottlebrush Red Cluster
Bottlebrush Weeping
Brodie Cedar
Chaste Tree
Crape Myrtle Varieties
Crape Myrtle Acoma
Crape Myrtle Burgundy Cotton
Crape Myrtle Catawba
Crape Myrtle Muskogee
Crape Myrtle Natchez
Crape Myrtle Pink Velour
Crape Myrtle Red Rocket
Crape Myrtle Sioux
Crape Myrtle Tonto
Crape Myrtle Tuscarora
Crape Myrtle Tuskegee
Crape Myrtle White Chocolate
Cypress, Arizona
Cypress, Bald
Cypress, Leyland
Dogwood White Florida Native
Elm, Drake
Elm, Winged
Golden Rain Tree / Chinese Flame Tree
Holly Trees
Holly, Eagleston
Holly, East Palatka
Holly, Mary Nell
Holly, Nellie R. Stevens
Holly, Oakleaf
Holly, Savannah
Juniper Torulosa
Loquat Tree / Japanese Plum Tree
Magnolia Varieties
Alta Magnolia
Brackens Brown Beauty Magnolia
D. D. Blanchard Magnolia
Greenback Magnolia
Little Gem Magnolia
Southern Magnolia
Maple Trees
Maple, Red
Maple, Silver
Oak Trees
Oak, Laurel
Oak, Live
Oak, Overcup
Oak, Shumard
Peach Rootstock
Red Cedar, Eastern
Red Cedar, Southern
Redbud Eastern
River Birch
Tulip Poplar
Wax Myrtle
Weeping Yaupon Holly
Yaupon Holly
Tropicals / Exotics
A Listing of Tropicals and Exotics Alphabetically with Links to Each Page
Alocasia / Elephant Ear
Alocasia Calidora
Alocasia Portora
Alocasia Regal Shields
Angels Trumpet Flower Brugmansia
Banana Ornamental Red ‘Maurelii’
Banana Shrub
Brunfelsia Lady of the Night
Cestrum newelii Red
Cestrum, Pink
Colocasia / Elephant Ear Plants
Colocasia Dragon Heart Gigante
Colocasia Hawaiian Eye
Colocasia Maui Gold
Colocasia Mojito
Colocasia Royal Hawaiian Black Coral
Colocasia Royal Hawaiian Hilo Bay
Colocasia Tea Cup
Cordyline Electra
Cordyline Exotica
Cordyline Fairchild Red Dwarf
Cordyline Hawaiian Ti ‘Auntie Lou’
Cordyline Hawaiian Ti ‘Black Majic’
Cordyline Hawaiian Ti ‘Dwarf Ruby’
Cordyline Hawaiian Ti ‘Dwarf Chocolate’
Cordyline Hawaiian Ti ‘Hot Pepper’
Cordyline Red Sister Hawaiian Ti plant
Croton Plants
Croton, Mammy
Croton, Oakleaf
Croton, Petra
Devils Trumpet Datura
Duranta Gold Mound
Farfugium Aureo-maculata
Farfugium japonicum Crispata
Farfugium japonicum Gigantea
Gardenia Mystery
Ginger Varieties
Ginger Curcuma petiolata Variegated
Ginger Curcuma Siam Sparkling
Ginger Kaempferia ‘Silver Spot’
Ginger Pinecone / Shampoo zerumbet
Ginger Pinstripe
Ginger, Hedychium ‘Pink V’
Ginger, Hedychium Coccineum ‘Disney’
Ginger, Kaempferia Bronze Peacock
Ginger, Variegated Shell
Ginger, White Butterfly
Spiral Ginger
Hibiscus Tropical Rosa Sinensis
Hibiscus Butterball Double Yellow
Hibiscus Celia Double Red
Hibiscus Fort Meyers Yellow
Hibiscus Jane Cowl
Hibiscus Painted Lady
Hibiscus President Red
Hibiscus Radiatus
Hibiscus Red Hot
Hibiscus Seminole Pink
Hibiscus Snow Queen
Hibiscus White Wings
Jacobinia, Pink
Lady of the Night
Night Blooming Jasmine
Oleander Dwarf Petite Pink
Oleander Dwarf Petite Salmon
Powder Puff Rainbow Pink
Powder Puff Red
Sambac Jasmine Maid of Orleans
Shrimp Plant Red
Shrimp Plant, Giant Yellow
Shrimp Plant, Orange / Red
Tibouchina ‘Olivia’
Xanthosoma Mickey Mouse
Coral Honeysuckle Vine
Passion Flowers
Blue Passion Flower
Giant Grandilla Passion Fruit
Lady Margaret Passion Flower
Lavender Lady Passion Flower
Passion Flower / Maypop
Passion Flower belotii
Passion Flower Incense
Purple Possum Passion Fruit
Watering Guides
Watering New Smaller Plants
Watering Newly Planted Larger Shrubs and Trees
Soil Composition
Soil PH levels
Soil Comp and Watering Needs
Soil Problems & Solutions
Soil Amendments
Peach Rootstock
Peach Rootstock